The most important method which we are employing here is known as the Planetary Hours, which has historically been the main astrological technique used in magical operations such as charging talismans; and also is the main astrological technique recommended by the spiritual guardians of astrological knowledge for all sorts of elections. It is based upon an ancient Chaldean system of astrology which supposedly antedates even the zodiac of signs.
The reason why astrology (and magic generally) doesn’t “work” as well nowadays as it did in the past is because it is peripheral to the central concerns of our society: very little energy is presently being focused in that direction. Warlike societies tend to be successful at war; commercial societies like ours tend to be successful at commerce; spiritual societies tend to be successful at spiritual endeavors; and magical societies tend to get magic to work quite well. Whatever a society (or an individual) has faith in is what it tends to manifest. Most of us have rationalist-materialistic or spiritual-materialistic backgrounds and hence have little native faith in magic or astrology: faith, like knowledge, is handed down from generation to generation, and our New Age generation is the first of the new magicians. It is necessary for us to plug away at magic on blind faith for a while until we eventually start seeing positive results, which is what builds real faith. However, we can take a faith short-cut by tuning in to existing wavelengths of knowledge: by using the Planetary Hours we are forging a link with the ancient magician astrologers and the spirits who guided them.
Let’s look a the procedure step-by-step:
1) CHOOSING A PROPITIOUS DAY: First identify what it is you are praying for with the relevant planet (see Table of Planetary Rulerships). For example, if what you want is money, then you must look to the planet Jupiter. In an astrological ephemeris (most monthly astrology magazines include current ephemerides) scan ahead for a day when there is a good transiting aspect to Jupiter, and note the time when this aspect is exact. Don’t forget to convert the time given in the ephemeris to clock time for your locality, taking Daylight Saving Time into account (if it’s in effect).
Optimally, the other planet involved in the aspect should also be relevant to what you want: if you want a steady income and a sense of security, then try to find a good aspect between Jupiter and Saturn (permanence); if what you want is money so you can afford some luxuries and enjoyment, then try to find a good aspect between Jupiter and Venus; if you want money so you can get ahead in life, then try to find an aspect between Jupiter and the sun. Most of the time, unless you’re willing to wait for some months, you will be circumscribed in what choices are available, so in a pinch you can always go with aspects to the moon, which forms every possible aspect with every planet every month. Only favorable aspects should be used (conjunctions, sextiles, and trines); ignore unfavorable and minor aspects, and parallels of declination.
2) CHOOSING A PROPITIOUS HOUR: Once you have located a propitious day, scan the Tables of Planetary Hours for your latitude, and locate an hour ruled by the planet in question (Jupiter in our example). If you’re not paying attention to the transits, then just choose a Jupiter hour which is convenient for you. Otherwise, if the transiting aspect does not involve the moon then you can use any of the Jupiter hours which fall within twenty-four hours before the exact time of the aspect; and if the transiting aspect does involve the moon then you must use that one Jupiter hour which falls just before the exact time of the transit. If the aspect becomes exact during a Jupiter hour, then use the space in time between the beginning of the Jupiter hour and the exact time of the transit.
To obtain a weekly table of Planetary Hours for your location, go to => Makransky Miscellany => Astrology Articles => Planetary Hours and download the free Excel worksheet. Because this worksheet contains macros you may have to lower your security option in Excel, and when it asks if you want to enable the macros click “Enable macros.”
3) CHOOSING A PROPITIOUS MOMENT: You can just go with the transiting aspect and planetary hour, but if you like doing calculations you can refine the technique further by using a table of houses to see whether a natal or transiting planet (preferably the one which rules whatever it is you are praying for) crosses any of the four angles during the planetary hour in question. However, this isn’t all that important, so if you don’t know how to do these calculations, don’t worry about it.
Now that you have found a propitious time to launch your prayer, you must consider the form that your prayer will take. Write down ahead of time exactly what you want, so that you don’t forget anything when the time comes. However, it’s best not to be too specific in what you’re asking for, such as to win the lottery, or to have such-and-such a person fall in love with you. It’s best just to ask for wealth, or love from some unnamed person. Let the Spirit handle the details – it knows what it’s doing.
If you have an accustomed mode of prayer, then just pray the way you usually do. If not, then you can adapt this formula to suit your own taste and needs: “Spirit – please bring me (whatever you are asking for), and please bring it to me really soon! Thank you!” It’s important that you say “really soon”, or else any contradictory subconscious agendas you may have will use this loophole to defeat the prayer. It’s also important to say “thank you” at the end, as a reminder that the Spirit doesn’t owe you (or anybody) anything. After all, the Spirit has given us life; after that anything else is gravy.
When the time draws near, prepare a little altar with something that symbolizes the Spirit above it (this can be a picture of Jesus if you’re a Christian, or just a cut-out picture of an eye, or whatever symbolizes the Spirit for you). Put a stick of sweet-smelling incense on the altar, and a candle whose color symbolizes what you’re asking for (green for money, pink for love, white for health or spiritual illumination, etc.). Also put on the altar objects which symbolize what you want (money if you want money; cut-out pictures of lovers if you want love; pictures of healthy, active people if you want health, etc.).
Just prior to the chosen time light the incense; and then, at the precise moment chosen for the prayer, light the candle. Then recite the prayer you’ve written down. It’s okay to read it, but you should do this with feeling – true longing for whatever it is that you want. Picture in your mind’s eye your prayer coming true as you pray, and let yourself feel all the joy you would feel if your prayer came true. Don’t worry about whether you are doing it right; if you’re doing it in good faith with true longing, then you’re doing it right.
If you don’t feel comfortable with all the ritual, you can dispense with it. The ritual is just for your own sake, to lend a sense of importance and ceremony to the occasion – not to impress the Spirit. The only things of importance are to pray with true longing, at a propitious time.
When you finish your prayer, leave the area and let the incense and candle burn down, and then dismantle the altar and dispose of what’s left of the candle and incense by burying them. Once a prayer has been launched there’s no need to repeat it unless you feel your own resolve weakening and want to strengthen it.
Sometimes astrologically guided prayer works so fast that the results are startling. At other times, when there are powerful contradictory subconscious agendas in place, it takes a while for your prayer to come true; but nonetheless you ought to be able to feel your prayer working right away in the sense of feeling your inner obstructions dissolving and your inner attitude changing. Be assured that prayer carried out in good faith always works, so don’t waste prayer on anything frivolous, since then you’re committed to it. Be sure you really want what you’re praying for. Good luck!
Table of Planetary Rulerships
Note that the planetary hours can be used to find propitious times for commencing all sorts of activities, not just prayers; therefore the general uses of each planet are listed.
Sun Hours: General success and recognition; spiritual illumination; decisiveness, vitality; activities requiring courage or a mood of self-certainty – making big decisions, scheduling meetings for reaching decisions, giving speeches, launching new projects; seeking favors from father, husband, boss, authorities.
Venus Hours: Love; friendship; artistic and social success; enjoyable, sociable and aesthetic activities such as parties, social gatherings, recitals / exhibitions, weddings, visits, dating and seeking romance; planting ornamentals; buying gifts, clothing, luxuries; beauty treatments; seeking favors from women.
Mercury Hours: Success in studies / communications; children; making a good impression; routine activities and activities needing clear communications; teaching / learning; important business letters / phone calls; meetings to develop or communicate ideas; buying / selling; routine shopping, errands, travel; job applications / interviews; seeking favors from neighbors, co-workers.
Moon Hours: Health; home (buying home, moving); journeys / vacationing (time of leaving home or takeoff); activities remote in time or space – meditation, making reservations, finding lost objects or people; planting food crops; hiring employees; seeking favors from mother, wife, employees.
Saturn Hours: Discipline and patience; giving up bad habits; overcoming obstacles; success with difficult tasks or difficult people; projects of long duration – breaking ground, laying foundations; planting perennials; treating chronic illness; making repairs; seeking favors from older people (not relatives) or difficult people.
Jupiter Hours: Wisdom, optimism; money (borrowing / lending/ investing / earning / winning); activities necessitating enthusiasm; buying lottery tickets; seeking advice / consultation; settling disputes; seeking favors from grandparents, aunts and uncles, advisors (doctors, lawyers, accountants, astrologers).
Mars Hours: Courage, adventure; enforcing your will; success with drastic action (lawsuits, conflicts, going to war, surgery); sports, exercises; risk-taking; making complaints; firing employees; seeking favors of husband or boyfriend.
MAGICAL ALMANAC is Bob Makransky's free monthly e-zine of astrology and magick. MAGICAL ALMANAC is chock full of astrology tips and suggestions for bringing magick into your life. It's for astrologers, magicians, and astrologer-magicians! Don't forget to add to your e-mail address book so that MAGICAL ALMANAC doesn't wind up in your bulk folder. MAGICAL ALMANAC is usually sent out the 2nd Tuesday of each month for the month following.
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Bob Makransky is a systems analyst, programmer, and professional astrologer. For the past 30 years he has lived on a farm in highland Guatemala where he is a Mayan priest and is head of the local blueberry growers association. Check out his books, articles, free instructions on how to channel by automatic writing and how to run past life regressions, free downloadable Mayan Horoscope software, free downloadable Primary Directions / celestial sphere mathematics book, free downloadable Planetary Hours calculator, short stories, cartoons, etc. etc. at:
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THE PSALTER AS A BOOK OF NEEDS, according to the usage of St.
Arsenios of Cappadocia, as transmitted by the Athonite Elder
Paisios, translated for the St. Pachomius Library by Vassilios
Kollias, edited by Karen Rae Keck.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Saint Arsenios used to use the Psalms for
blessings, especialy when there was no prescribed blessing for a
particular occasion. Here in Part One is the correspondence
between the psalms and different occasions. The original Greek
list can be found in -O Geron Paisios- by the Hieromonk
Christodoulos, Agion Oros, 1994. In Part Two, we have provided a
(rather poor) index; perhaps someone else would care to fashion a
Apart from all religious considerations, this "Book of Needs" is a
fascinating portrait of village life in Anatolia at the beginning
of the Twentieth Century: whether it reflects more the "longue
duree" of Byzantine history or the particular difficulties of St.
Arsenios' time we do not feel well enough informed even to
speculate. There is certainly no idealization of rural conditions
here: particularly noteworthy is the extreme concern for
alleviating psychological as well as physical pain, and the
mention of what we would nowadays call "post-traumatic stress
To us, at least, the exact reasoning behind the saint's choice of
a particular psalm for a given need is not always obvious; perhaps
this is by design, to encourage close reflection on the words.
Orthodoxy is not magic, and a document like this one is not an
endorsement of "peasant superstition"; it is rather a channel
through which the Love of God can enter into every aspect of human
[IMPORTANT NOTE: The FIRST number is the number of the psalm in
the Greek Septuagint Bible. The SECOND number is the number of the
psalm found in the Masoretic text and in most English language
Bibles, such as the King James!]
1 (1) When a tree or a vine is planted, so that it may bring forth
2 (2) So that God illumines those who go to meetings and councils.
3 (3) So that badness goes away from people, so that they do not
torment unjustly their fellows.
4 (4) So that God heals the sensitive people who fell ill from
depression because of the behaviour of hard-hearted people.
5 (5) So that God heals the wounded eyes that were bitten by a bad
6 (6) So that God frees the person who has been under a spell.
7 (7) For those who got damaged from fear, from the terrors and
the intimidations of bad people.
8 (8) For those who are hurt by demons or by perverse people.
9 (9 & 10) So that the demons stop tormenting you in sleep or with
fancies during the day.
10 (11) For hard-hearted couples that argue and divorce (when the
hard-hearted man or woman torments their sensitive wife or
11 (12) For mentally ill people who have badness and harm others.
12 (13) For those who suffer from their liver.
13 (14) For a terrible demon, continually three times a day for
three days.
14 (15) So that robbers or thieves change their mind and return
having done no harm, and having repented.
15 (16) So that the key is found when it is lost.
16 (17) For a grave and unjust accusation, three times a day for
three days.
17 (18) When there is an earthquake or other natural disaster, or
devastating rain with lightning.
18 (19) So that women give birth successfully.
19 (20) For the couples who for medical reasons cannot have
children, so that God heals them and that they do not divorce.
20 (21) So that God softens the hearts of the rich and they give
alms to the poor.
21 (22) So that God contains the fire, so that no big harm
22 (23) So that God makes milder the very rebellious children that
bring sorrow to their parents.
23 (24) So that the door opens when the key is lost.
24 (25) For people who temptation troubles a lot and so brings
continual problems into their lives, making them lose their peace
and complain.
25 (26) When somebody asks something good from God so that He
gives it without the person getting harmed.
26 (27) So that God protects the peasants from the enemy army, so
that they do not harm the people or their fields.
27 (28) So that God heals those who suffer from illnesses of
nervous or mental origin.
28 (29) For those that the sea makes sick and who are afraid of
the rough sea.
29 (30) For those that are in danger far away, in the territory of
barbarous and unbelieving people, so that God guards them and
illumines the people there to become peaceful and to come to know
30 (31) So that God gives enough grain and fruit when the weather
is not good for agriculture.
31 (32) So that the travelers find their way when they are lost
and suffering from it.
32 (33) So that God reveals the truth to those who were unjustly
imprisoned, and so that they are set free.
33 (34) For those on the edge of death, when they are tormented by
demons. Or, for the enemy army when it brings danger and enters
the borders with ominous intentions.
34 (35) So that God frees the good people from the traps of the
bad people, who take advantage of the people of God.
35 (36) So that animosity disappears completely after arguments
and misunderstandings.
36 (37) For people badly wounded by criminals.
37 (38) When the jaws have pain coming from rotten teeth.
38 (39) So that the people who are abandoned and depressed find
work, so that they stop being in sorrow.
39 (40) So that the love between employer and employee comes back
when there has been exchange of heavy words.
40 (41) So that women give birth with success when the child comes
prematurely into the world.
41 (42) For young people when they get ill from falling in love,
and one person gets wounded and is in sorrow.
42 (43) So that the people get free from the prisons of an enemy
43 (44) So that God reveals the truth to couples when there has
been a misunderstanding, so that they come into mutual peace and
love again.
44 (45) For those who suffer from heart or kidneys.
45 (46) For the young people that the enemy because of envy
prevents from making a family (i.e. from getting married).
46 (47) So that the employee or the employer find peace, when the
employee leaves offended by the employer, and so that the employee
finds work.
47 (48) When gangs of criminals go robbing and grave disasters are
happening: to be continually read for 40 days.
48 (49) For those who do a dangerous job.
49 (50) So that the people who are far from God repent and return
to God and are saved.
50 (51) When, because of our sins and in order to correct us,
comes the punishment of God (epidemics of illness and deaths for
people or animals).
51 (52) So that the hard-hearted masters repent and become
compassionate and do not torment the people.
52 (53) So that God blesses the nets and they get filled with
53 (54) So that God illumines the rich people that have bought
slaves so that they free them.
54 (55) So that the name of a family that had been unjustly
accused is restored.
55 (56) For sensitive people, whose souls have been wounded by
their fellows.
56 (57) For those people who suffer headaches coming from big
57 (58) So that things come in a helping way for those who work
with good intention, so that God prevents every perverse action of
demons or crooked people.
58 (59) For those that cannot speak, that God gives them the
ability to speak.
59 (60) So that God reveals the truth when a whole group of people
is unjustly accused.
60 (61) For those that have trouble in their work either because
of laziness or because of fear.
61 (62) So that God relieves from troubles the person who is weak,
so that he is not dominated by the urge to complain.
62 (63) So that fields and trees bring forth fruit when the water
is limited.
63 (64) When a person is bitten by a dog or wolf that had rabies.
(He was also for giving them blessed water to drink).
64 (65) So that merchants prosper, so that they do not speak too
much and take advantage of simple people.
65 (66) So that the evil one does not bring obstacles in the homes
and cause families to be in sorrow.
66 (67) So that the places where hens are raised are blessed.
67 (68) So that the women whose pregnancies fail manage to endure
and become healthy.
68 (69) When there is severe rain and the rivers overflow, taking
with them people and houses.
69 (70) For sensitive people that get sad from little things and
come to despair, that God gives them strength.
70 (71) For deserted people who become uninteresting to others
[lit. "boring"] because of the devil's envy and come to despair,
that they may find mercy and healing from God.
71 (72) So that God blesses the gatherings of the new agricultural
production that the peasants bring home.
72 (73) So that the criminals repent.
73 (74) So that God protects the peasants that work in their
fields when the enemy have surrounded the village.
74 (75) So that the barbarous employer becomes peaceful and does
not torment his fellow human beings, the empoloyees.
75 (76) For a mother who is scared during her giving birth, so
that God gives her braveness and protects her.
76 (77) When there is no mutual understanding between parents and
children, that God illumines them, so that the children listen to
the parents and the parents show love.
77 (78) So that God illumines those who lend so that they do not
press their fellows for their debt, and so that they are
78 (79) So that God protects the villages from the robbing and
stealing of the enemy army.
79 (80) So that God cures a person whose face gets swollen and all
his head is in pain.
80 (81) So that God takes care of the poor who are in need and
sorrow and are depressed because of poverty.
81 (82) So that people buy the products of the peasants, so that
the peasants are not sad and depressed.
82 (83) So that God prevents the bad people who want to do
83 (84) So that God preserves all that is kept in the house, and
the animals, and the products of the producers.
84 (85) So that God heals those who were wounded by robbers and
moreover got psychologically damaged from terror.
85 (86) So that God saves the world when plague comes and people
86 (87) So that God extends the lives of those members of the
family that are still urgently needed by the rest of the family.
87 (88) So that God protects all those who have no protector and
are suffering from hard-hearted fellows.
88 (89) So that God gives strength to those who easily fall sick
and are physically weak, so that they can work without getting
tired and depressed.
89 (90) So that God brings rain when there is a drought, or that
the wells bring forth water again if they have stopped doing so.
90 (91) So that the devil disappears when he appears in front of a
person and brings him terror.
91 (92) So that God gives prudence to people so that they progress
92 (93) So that God protects the ship when it is in great danger
at sea. (He was also for throwing blessed water at the four
corners of the ship).
93 (94) So that God illumines the disorderly people who cause
problems to the nation and bring commotion to the people, causing
trouble by disorder and divisions.
94 (95) So that no spells cause couples to start finding reasons
for arguments and fights.
95 (96) So that God gives to the deaf people the ability to hear.
96 (97) So that spells go away from people.
97 (98) So that God gives comfort for those who are in sorrow so
that they stop being depressed.
98 (99) So that God blesses and gives grace to those young people
who want to leave everything and follow God. [I do not know how
successful is my translation here. To my Greek ear the exact
phrase that is used would make me think of people who follow the
monastic life but I am not sure. --Trans.]
99 (100) So that God blesses and makes real the desires of the
people that are in accordance with His will.
100 (101) So that God gives graces and talents to the good and
simple people.
101 (102) So that God blesses the people who hold offices of power
so that they help the people with kindness and understanding.
102 (103) So that the monthly flow of blood comes to a woman when
it is delayed.
103 (104) So that God blesses the possessions of the people that
they are not sad and depressed, but glorify God.
104 (105) So that people repent and confess their sins.
105 (106) So that God gives illumination to people so that they do
not move away from the way to salvation.
106 (107) So that God gives the woman who could not give birth the
ability to do so.
107 (108) So that God humbles the enemies, so that they change
their bad intentions.
108 (109) So that God cures the epileptics. Or, so that God has
mercy on those who accuse unjustly and they repent.
109 (110) So that the younger have respect for the older.
110 (111) So that the unjust judges repent and judge justly the
people of God.
111 (112) So that God protects the soldiers when they go to war.
112 (113) So that God gives blessings to the poor widow, so that
she pays her debts and is saved from going to prison.
113 (114 & 115) So that God cures the mentally retarded children.
114 (116:1-9) So that God gives blessings and comfort to the sad
poor little children, so that they are not looked down upon by the
children of the rich and consequently feel depressed.
115 (116:10-19) So that God cures the horrible passion of lying.
116 (117) So that families keep unity and love and glorify God.
117 (118) So that God humbles the barbarians when they surround
the village and bring fear, and that He reverses their bad
118 (119) So that God shatters the barbarians and humbles their
action when they slay innocent women and children.
119 (120) So that God gives patience and forbearance to those
people who have to live together with crooked and unjust people.
120 (121) So that God protects the slaves from the hands of the
enemy so that they are not mutilated before they are set free.
121 (122) So that God cures those who suffer from the "evil eye".
122 (123) So that God gives eyesight to the blind and cures the
eyes that are in pain.
123 (124) So that God protects people from snakes, so that they do
not bite.
124 (125) So that God protects the fields of the just people from
the bad people.
125 (126) So that God cures the people who suffer from continual
126 (127) So that God brings peace to a family when there are
127 (128) So that the badness of the enemy never approaches the
homes, and that there is the peace and blessing of God in the
128 (129) So that God cures the people who suffer from migraines,
or, so that God shows mercy to the hard and indiscreet people who
bring sorrow to the sensitive.
129 (130) So that God gives braveness and hope to those who start
a new job and do not know it well yet, so that they do not find
extreme difficulty in their work.
130 (131) So that God gives repentance and comfort with hope to
people so that they are saved.
131 (132) So that God shows pity to the world when because of our
sins there are continual wars.
132 (133) So that God illumines the nations and they become
friendly and the people find peace.
133 (134) So that God protects people from every danger.
134 (135) So that people concentrate at the time of prayer and
their mind is united with God.
135 (136) So that God protects the immigrants when they abandon
their homes and leave so that they are saved from the barbarians.
136 (137) So that God brings steadiness to the person with
unsteady character.
137 (138) So that God illumines the masters of the place so that
people's requests are treated with understanding.
138 (139) So that God stops the temptation of sensitive people by
blasphemous thoughts.
139 (140) So that God makes peaceful the head of the family who
has a very difficult character and brings suffering to all the
140 (141) So that God makes peaceful the barbarian master of a
place who torments his fellows.
141 (142) So that God makes peaceful the rebel who is doing bad;
then even if he is a Kurd he becomes a lamb. [St. Arsenios was
living in Asia Minor. Kurds, who were often soldiers, had a
reputation among other ethnic groups for being brutal fighters. --
142 (143) So that God protects the mother throughout the pregnancy
so that she does not loose the child.
143 (144) So that God pacifies the people when they are in unrest
so that no civil war happens.
144 (145) So that God blesses the work of people so that it is
well accepted by God.
145 (146) So that God stops the flow of blood from people who
suffer from it.
146 (147:1-11) So that God heals the people who have been bitten
and wounded in the jaws by bad people.
147 (147:12-20) So that God brings peace to the wild animals so
that they do not harm people or farm produce.
148 (148) So that God makes the weather appropriate so that people
have plenty and glorify God.
[These were from St. Arsenios. The following to are from Fr.
Paisios of the Holy Mountain.]
149 (149) From gratefulness and thankfulness to God for His many
kindnesses and for the plenitude of His love, that knows no limit
and bears with us.
150 (150) So that God gives happiness and comfort to our sad
brothers and sisters who are in far places, and to those of our
brothers and sisters who are sleeping and are even farther away.
[IMPORTANT NOTE: Only the Septuagint psalm number is given in this
AGRICULTURE: 1, 26, 30, 50, 52, 62, 66, 71, 83, 124, 147, 148
ANIMALS, Unfriendly: 63, 123, 147
CHILDREN: 22, 76, 109, 113, 114
DISASTERS: 17, 21, 30, 50, 62, 68, 85, 89
HEALTH, Physical: 5, 12, 28, 36, 37, 44, 56, 58, 63, 79, 86, 88,
95, 102, 108, 122, 125, 128, 145, 146
HEALTH, Psychological: 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 24, 27, 41, 55, 56, 60, 61,
69, 70, 80, 81, 84, 97, 100, 103, 128, 136, 138
HEALTH, Women's: 18, 19, 40, 67, 75, 106, 142, 145
LAW AND GOVERNMENT: 14, 16, 32, 36, 47, 51, 59, 72, 82, 84, 93,
101, 108, 110, 137, 140, 141, 143
MAGIC AND DEMONS: 5, 6, 8, 9, 13, 33, 57, 65, 90, 94, 96, 121
PEACE AND WAR: 26, 33, 42, 73, 78, 93, 107, 111, 117, 118, 120,
127, 131, 132, 135, 140, 141, 143
PEACE (among friends and family): 10, 19, 22, 35, 41, 43, 45, 54,
65, 76, 86, 94, 109, 116, 126, 127, 139
PROPERTY: 14, 15, 23, 47, 83, 103, 124
PROTECTION: 9, 13, 34, 47, 48, 57, 90, 133
SOCIAL CONCERNS: 20, 32, 35, 38, 51, 53, 59, 77, 80, 81, 87, 93,
101, 110, 112, 113, 114, 119, 124, 137, 140
SPIRITUALITY: 3, 9, 24, 25, 29, 49, 50, 57, 72, 91, 98, 99, 100,
104, 105, 108, 115, 119, 130, 134, 136, 149
TRAVEL AND EMIGRATION: 28, 29, 31, 92, 135, 150
WORK: 2, 38, 39, 46, 48, 51, 52, 57, 60, 64, 74, 81, 83, 100, 101,
103, 129, 137, 140,144
The St. Pachomius Orthodox Library, Nativity of the Forerunner
Have mercy, O Lord, upon Thy servants the Hieromonk Christodoulos,
translator Vassilios, and Karen.
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Eternal Word Television Network
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The mission of the Church of Christ is to obey the will of God and do it on earth, to believe without doubting His eternal truth which determined His relationship with humans, to preach it and reconcile them to God in that eternal relationship.
Humans cannot possibly know God by themselves unless God helps them, they are God? enemies unless they understand correctly the Bible, and they cannot but live under the deception of the devil unless they know he is the enemy of God and their very eternal enemy. Moreover, humans cannot be with God and become His coworkers unless they understand the truth of His work accomplished on earth.
God decided to create the universe, the world and humankind in accordance to His eternal plan even before humans came into being, in order to be glorified by the Son He would appoint as heir of all things. Glory is to God His eternal business. God is the eternal god to whom glory is due.
But who knew God? No one could see Him, or catch Him, or follow Him, but thanks to Jesus Christ that He sent, one came to know the kingdom of God and understand His will through the same Jesus Christ who saw Him (John 1:18).
Humankind seeks happiness. First, it is personal happiness which values one? biological life more than anything else and starts with the foundation of a family. In other words, the enlargement of one? biological life is one? family and descendants. Love for one? offspring leads to the understanding of God? love for humankind, and this love expands to an universal relationship of love for one? neighbors.
And the problem that one faces upon its understanding is one of conflict, conflict with one? neighbors, with one? brothers, and furthermore, conflict with one? inner self which can lead to some eschatological feelings and result in suicide, murder or war. Humans are born and they die in this swirl of problems where they try desperately to conceive a world which is somewhat stronger than reality, but philosophically or religiously they cannot obtain a clear and definite answer so that their religious conflicts are to worsen and clash against culture and the material world.
Despite all human efforts to study and solve these conflicts through civilization the phenomenal result is total destruction and end. Hence, the occurrence of another conflict between those who seek the peace of humankind in materialism and those who seek the same thing in idealism, and their mutual distrust. To those who are aware of the whole situation the Bible is ready to provide with a solution and it is the ‘Picture of God? Will.’
God only is the First and the Last, and knows His plan. He calls to existence that which does not exist, He makes disappear that which already exists, He harvests the fruit of that which He sowed. He connects day to night and causes day to come after night. In Him there is no regrets. That is why, He is eternal. He has no conflict whatever with His son or the Holy Spirit that He sent (Romans 8:27, 28). He manifested Himself as one God in the Word, the blood and the Holy Spirit. He knows no problems. In contrast, humans continue to expect that future generations would provide them with the solution of their problems.
Then, from the standpoint of the Picture of God? Will, what is the greatest conflict or problem of humans? It is undeniably sin with its moral and ethic responsibility to be assumed. The Bible asserts simply that sin entered humankind to form ultimately the kingdom of death. It also tells clearly about the first sin which entered the world through one man, Adam (Romans 5:12).
From that moment on, human basic attitude of resistance became fear of death (Hebrews 2:15). Jesus Christ is the one who made the world known about it and gave the strength to overcome death. The Bible testifies to this assured and prepared will of God in 1 John 3:8 as follows: ‘The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil? work.’ The cause is brought to light and the method to neutralize it is the manifestation of the Son of God.
Before, when one was not related to God and did not know the Son, sin was considered as an act defined by human versatile moral and ethical criterion, which required some emotional and physical power restraint in accordance with the development of the culture involved. In the Bible, sin is regarded as an after-product of the surviving human after the transgression of the criteria that the One who is from the beginning determined in His unchangeable laws. Sin is also called corruption and self-indulgence. The Bible indicates clearly that though the first human sinned, the one who seduced and conducted him to sin was the devil.
If one goes to a human court and says that it was the devil who made him sin can he be taken seriously? Absolutely not. So a criminal may be convicted to death and die according to human laws, but when he accepts and believes in the Picture of God? Will he may find peace of soul, and overcome joyfully the world as a citizen of the kingdom of heaven who relies on the Lord of life (1 John 5:4). In other words, the unbelieving judge will hold the convict responsible for his crime, but nobody will take away the freedom in the mind of the latter who had been already delivered from the Law by the knowledge of the Picture of God? Will.
Medical researchers go through dynamic analysis in order to find out the cause of diseases because it is the shortcut, but as far as the task of examining all of them time and energy are more than insufficient. In contrast to this, the Picture of God? Will shown in the Bible provided already a definite conclusion. If anyone wants to transcend this truth and try to find a solution elsewhere he has chosen to enter a dark labyrinth.
The meaning of the Picture of God? Will is not only religious. It proves to be a truth that transcends and surpasses sciences, and it receives phenomenal testimonies. Needless to say, the one who sins belongs to the devil, this sin led humankind to deception, torments and curses. God warned that He would follow this cause till the end and make it sure that the sin of idolatry of those who think they are free to do what they please be paid to three or four generations. It is because sinning is of the devil that God wants to curse and destroy him forever.
The Son of God was manifested on this earth in order to reveal the will of God and He is the only one to know perfectly the reason that the devil? works are destroyed. Just as one strives to analyze medically the causes of diseases it is quite legitimate to disclose the identity of the devil and ascribe him all sorts of unhappiness. The Picture of God? Will consists in annihilating the devil by the power of Jesus Christ and destroy diseases and demons which are the fruits of sin. Only the Picture of God? Will can make one acknowledge the existence of the devil as a real being and actually destroy him (Acts 4:12).
Translated from Korean by
Christine R. E. Hong
The English Translation Institute for Dr. Ki Dong Kim’s Works
66. Cimejes, or Cimeies, or Kimaris-The Sixty-sixth Spirit is Cimejes, or Cimeies, or Kimaris. He is a Marquis, Mighty, Great, Strong and Powerful, appearing like a Valiant Warrior riding upon a goodly Black Horse. He ruleth over all Spirits in the parts of Africa. His Office is to teach perfectly Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric, and to discover things Lost or Hidden, and Treasures. He governeth 20 Legions of Infernals; and his Seal is this, etc
67. Amdusias, or Amdukias-The Sixty-seventh Spirit is Amdusias, or Amdukias. He is a Duke Great and Strong, appearing at first like a Unicorn, but at the request of the Exorcist he standeth before him in Human Shape, causing Trumpets, and all manner of Musical Instruments to be heard, but not soon or immediately. Also he can cause Trees to bend and incline according to the Exorcist's Will. He giveth Excellent Familiars. He governeth 29 Legions of Spirits. And his Seal is this, etc
68. Belial-The Sixty-eighth Spirit is Belial. He is a Mighty and a Powerful King, and was created next after Lucifer. He appeareth in the Form of Two Beautiful Angels sitting in a Chariot of Fire. He speaketh with a Comely Voice, and declareth that he fell first from among the worthier sort, that was before Michael, and other Heavenly Angels. His Office is to distribute Presentations and Senatorships, etc.; and to cause favour of Friends and of Foes. He giveth excellent Familiars, and governeth 50 Legions of Spirits. Note well that this King Belial. must have Offerings, Sacrifices and Gifts presented unto him by the Exorcist, or else he will not give True Answers unto his Demands. But then he tarrieth not one hour in the Truth, unless he be con. Strained by Divine Power. And his Seal is this, which is to be worn as aforesaid, etc
69. Decarabia-The Sixty-ninth Spirit is Decarabia. He appeareth in the Form of a Star in a Pentacle, at first; but after, at the command of the Exorcist, he putteth on the image of a Man. His Office is to discover the Virtues of Birds and Precious Stones, and to make the Similitude of all kinds of Birds to fly before the Exorcist, singing and drinking as natural Birds do. He governeth 30 Legions of Spirits, being himself a Great Marquis. And this is his Seal, which is to be worn, etc
70. Seere, Sear, or Seir-The Seventieth Spirit is Seere, Sear, or Seir. He is a Mighty Prince, and Powerful, under AMAYMON, King of the East. He appeareth in the Form of a Beautiful Man, riding upon a Winged Horse. His Office is to go and come; and to bring abundance of things to pass on a sudden, and to carry or recarry anything whither thou wouldest have it to go, or whence thou wouldest have it from. He can pass over the whole Earth in the twinkling of an Eye. He giveth a True relation of all sorts of Theft, and of Treasure hid, and of many other things. He is of an indifferent Good Nature, and is willing to do anything which the Exorcist desireth. He governeth 26 Legions of Spirits. And this his Seal is to be worn, etc
71. Dantalion-The Seventy-first Spirit is Dantalion. He is a Duke Great and Mighty, appearing in the Form of a Man with many Countenances, all Men's and Women's Faces; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one; for he knoweth the Thoughts of all Men and Women, and can change them at his Will. He can cause Love, and show the Similitude of any person, and show the same by a Vision, let them be in what part of the World they Will. He governeth 36 Legions of Spirits; and this is his Seal, which wear thou, etc
72. Andromalius-The Seventy-second Spirit in Order is named Andromalius. He is an Earl, Great and Mighty, appearing in the Form of a Man holding a Great Serpent in his Hand. His Office is to bring back both a Thief, and the Goods which be stolen; and to discover all Wickedness, and Underhand Dealing; and to punish all Thieves and other Wicked People and also to discover Treasures that be Hid. He ruleth over 36 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, the which wear thou as aforesaid, etc
53. Camio or Caim-The Fifty-third Spirit is Camio, or Caim. He is a Great President, and appeareth in the Form of the Bird called a Thrush at first, but afterwards he putteth on the Shape of a Man carrying in his Hand a Sharp Sword. He seemeth to answer in Burning Ashes, or in Coals of Fire. He is a Good Disputer. His Office is to give unto Men the Understanding of all Birds, Lowing of Bullocks, Barking of Dogs, and other Creatures; and also of the Voice of the Waters. He giveth True Answers of Things to Come. He was of the Order of Angels, but now ruleth over 30 Legions of Spirits Infernal. His Seal is this, which wear thou, etc
54. Murmur, or Murmus-The Fifty-fourth Spirit is called Murmur, or Murmus, or Murmux. He is a Great Duke, and an Earl; and appeareth in the Form of a Warrior riding upon a Gryphon, with a Ducal Crown upon his Head. There do go before him those his Ministers with great Trumpets sounding. His Office is to teach Philosophy perfectly, and to constrain Souls Deceased to come before the Exorcist to answer those questions which he may wish to put to them, if desired. He was partly of the Order of Thrones, and partly of that of Angels. He now ruleth 30 Legions of Spirits. And his Seal is this, etc
55. Orobas-The Fifty-fifth Spirit is Orobas. He is a great and Mighty Prince, appearing at first like a Horse; but after the command of the Exorcist he putteth on the Image of a Man. His Office is to discover all things Past, Present, and to Come; also to give Dignities, and Prelacies, and the Favour of Friends and of Foes. He giveth True Answers of Divinity, and of the Creation of the World. He is very faithful unto the Exorcist, and will not suffer him to be tempted of any Spirit. He governeth 20 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, etc
56. Gremory, or Gamori-The Fifty-sixth Spirit is Gremory, or Gamori. He is a Duke Strong and Powerful, and appeareth in the Form of a Beautiful Woman, with a Duchess's Crown tied about her waist, and riding on a Great Camel. His Office is to tell of all Things Past, Present, and to Come; and of Treasures Rid, and what they lie in; and to procure the Love of Women both Young and Old. He governeth 26 Legions of Spirits, and his Seal is this, etc
57. Osé, or Voso-The Fifty-seventh Spirit is Oso, Osé, or Voso. He is a Great President, and appeareth like a Leopard at the first, but after a little time he putteth on the Shape of a Man. His Office is to make one cunning in the Liberal Sciences, and to give True Answers of Divine and Secret Things; also to change a Man into any Shape that the Exorcist pleaseth, so that he that is so changed will not think any other thing than that he is in verity that Creature or Thing he is changed into. He governeth 30 [Should be 30. For these 72 Great Spirits of the Book Goetia are all Princes and Leaders of numbers] Legions of Spirits, and this is his Seal, etc
58. Amy, or Avnas-The Fifty-eighth Spirit is Amy, or Avnas. He is a Great President, and appeareth at first in the Form of a Flaming Fire; but after a while he putteth on the Shape of a Man. His office is to make one Wonderful Knowing [Thus in the actual Text.] in Astrology and all the Liberal Sciences. He giveth Good Familiars, and can bewray Treasure that is kept by Spirits. He governeth 36 Legions of Spirits, and his Seal is this, etc
59. Oriax, or Orias-The Fifty-ninth Spirit is Oriax, or Orias. He is a Great Marquis, and appeareth in the Form of a Lion, [Or "with the Face of a Lion." ] riding upon a Horse Mighty and Strong, with a Serpent's Tail; [The horse, or the Markist?--ED.] and he holdeth in his Right Hand two Great Serpents hissing. His Office is to teach the Virtues of the Stars, and to know the Mansions of the Planets, and how to understand their Virtues. He also transformeth Men, and he giveth Dignities, Prelacies, and Confirmation thereof; also Favour with Friends and with Foes. He doth govern 30 Legions of Spirits; and his Seal is this, etc
60. Vapula, or Naphula-The Sixtieth Spirit is Vapula, or Naphula. He is a Duke Great, Mighty, and Strong; appearing in the Form of a Lion with Gryphon's Wings. His Office is to make Men Knowing in all Handcrafts and Professions, also in Philosophy, and other Sciences. He governeth 36 Legions of Spirits, and his Seal or Character is thus made, and thou shalt wear it as aforesaid, etc
61. Zagan-The Sixty-first Spirit is Zagan. He is a Great King and President, appearing at first in the Form of a Bull with Gryphon's Wings; but after a while he putteth on Human Shape. He maketh Men Witty. He can turn Wine into Water, and Blood into Wine, also Water into Wine. He can turn all Metals into Coin of the Dominion that Metal is of. He can even make Fools wise. He governeth 33 Legions of Spirits, and his Seal is this, etc
62. Volac, or Valax, or Valu, or Ualac-The Sixty-second Spirit is Volac, or Valak, or Valu. He is a President Mighty and Great, and appeareth like a Child with Angel's Wings, riding on a Two-headed Dragon. His Office is to give True Answers of Hidden Treasures, and to tell where Serpents may be seen. The which he will bring unto the Exorciser without any Force or Strength being by him employed. He governeth 38 Legions of Spirits, and his Seal is thus
63. Andras-The Sixty-third Spirit is Andras. He is a Great Marquis, appearing in the Form of an Angel with a Head like a Black Night Raven, riding upon a strong Black Wolf, and having a Sharp and Bright Sword flourished aloft in his hand. His Office is to sow Discords. If the Exorcist have not a care, he will slay both him and his fellows. He governeth 30 Legions of Spirits, and this is his Seal, etc
64. Haures, or Hauras, or Havres, or Flauros-The Sixty-fourth Spirit is Haures, or Hauras, or Havres, or Flauros. He is a Great Duke, and appeareth at first like a Leopard, Mighty, Terrible, and Strong, but after a while, at the Command of the Exorcist, he putteth on Human Shape with Eyes Flaming and Fiery, and a most Terrible Countenance. He giveth True Answers of all things, Present, Past, and to Come. But if he be not commanded into a Triangle, ?, he will Lie in all these Things, and deceive and beguile the Exorcist in these things, or in such and such business. He will, lastly, talk of the Creation of the World, and of Divinity, and of how he and other Spirits fell. He destroyeth and burneth up those who be the Enemies of the Exorcist should he so desire it; also he will not suffer him to be tempted by any other Spirit or otherwise. He governeth 36 Legions of Spirits, and his Seal is this, to be worn as a Lamen, etc
65. Andrealphus-The Sixty-fifth Spirit is Andrealphus. He is a Mighty Marquis, appearing at first in the form of a Peacock, with great Noises. But after a time he putteth on Human shape. He can teach Geometry perfectly. He maketh Men very subtle therein; and in all Things pertaining unto Mensuration or Astronomy. He can transform a Man into the Likeness of a Bird. He governeth 30 Legions of Infernal Spirits, and his Seal is this, etc
40. Raum-The Fortieth Spirit is Räum. He is a Great Earl; and appeareth at first in the Form of a Crow, but after the Command of the Exorcist he putteth on Human Shape. His office is to steal Treasures out King's Houses, and to carry it whither he is commanded, and to destroy Cities and Dignities of Men, and to tell all things, Past, and What Is, and what Will Be; and to cause Love between Friends and Foes. He was of the Order of Thrones. He governeth 30 Legions of Spirits; and his Seal is this, which wear thou as aforesaid
41. Focalor-The Forty-first Spirit is Focalor, or Forcalor, or Furcalor. He is a Mighty Duke and Strong. He appeareth in the Form of a Man with Gryphon's Wings. His office is to slay Men, and to drown them in the Waters, and to overthrow Ships of War, for he hath Power over both Winds and Seas; but he will not hurt any man or thing if he be commanded to the contrary by the Exorcist. He also hath hopes to return to the Seventh Throne after 1,000 years. He governeth 30 Legions of Spirits, and his Seal is this, etc
42. Vepar-The Forty-second Spirit is Vepar, or Vephar. He is a Duke Great and Strong and appeareth like a Mermaid. His office is to govern the Waters, and to guide Ships laden with Arms, Armour, and Ammunition, etc., thereon. And at the request of the Exorcist he can cause the seas to be right stormy and to appear full of ships. Also he maketh men to die in Three Days by Putrefying Wounds or Sores, and causing Worms to breed in them. He governeth 29 Legions of Spirits, and his Seal is this, etc
43. Sabnock-The Forty-third Spirit, as King Solomon commanded them into the Vessel of Brass, is called Sabnock, or Savnok. He is a Marquis, Mighty, Great and Strong, appearing in the Form of an Armed Soldier with a Lion's Head, riding on a pale-coloured horse. His office is to build high Towers, Castles and Cities, and to furnish them with Armour, etc. Also he can afflict Men for many days with Wounds and with Sores rotten and full of Worms. He giveth Good Familiars at the request of the Exorcist. He commandeth 50 Legions of Spirits; and his Seal is this, etc
44. Shan-The Forty-fourth Spirit is Shax, or Shaz (or Shass). He is a Great Marquis and appeareth in the Form of a Stock-Dove, speaking with a voice hoarse, but yet subtle. His Office is to take away the Sight, Hearing, or Understanding of any Man or Woman at the command of the Exorcist; and to steal money out of the houses of Kings, and to carry it again in 1,200 years. If commanded he will fetch Horses at the request of the Exorcist, or any other thing. But he must first be commanded into a Triangle, ?, or else he will deceive him, and tell him many Lies. He can discover all things that are Hidden, and not kept by Wicked Spirits. He giveth good Familiars, sometimes. He governeth 30 Legions of Spirits, and his Seal is this, etc
45. Viné-The Forty-fifth Spirit is Viné, or Vinea. He is a Great King, and an Earl; and appeareth in the Form of a Lion, [Or with the Head of a Lion, or having a Lion's Head, in some Codices] riding upon a Black Horse, and bearing a Viper in his hand. His Office is to discover Things Hidden, Witches, Wizards, and Things Present, Past, and to Come. He, at the command of the Exorcist will build Towers, overthrow Great Stone Walls, and make the Waters rough with Storms. He governeth 36 Legions of Spirits. And his Seal is this, which wear thou, as aforesaid, etc
46. Bifrons-The Forty-sixth Spirit is called Bifrons, or Bifröus, or Bifrovs. He is an Earl, and appeareth in the Form of a Monster; but after a while, at the Command of the Exorcist, he putteth on the shape of a Man. His Office is to make one knowing in Astrology, Geometry, and other Arts and Sciences. He teacheth the Virtues of Precious Stones and Woods. He changeth Dead Bodies, and putteth them in another place; also he lighteth seeming Candles upon the Graves of the Dead. He hath under his Command 6 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, which he will own and submit unto, etc
47. Uvall, Vual, or Voval-The Forty-seventh Spirit Uvall, or Vual, or Voval. He is a Duke, Great, Mighty, and Strong; and appeareth in the Form of a Mighty Dromedary at the first, but after a while at the Command of the Exorcist he putteth on Human Shape, and speaketh the Egyptian Tongue, but not perfectly. [He can nowadays converse in sound though colloquial Coptic.--ED] His Office is to procure the Love of Woman, and to tell Things Past, Present, and to Come. He also procureth Friendship between Friends and Foes. He was of the Order of Potestates or Powers. He governeth 37 Legions of Spirits, and his Seal is this, to be made and worn before thee, etc
48. Haagenti-The Forty-eighth Spirit is Haagenti. He is a President, appearing in the Form of a Mighty Bull with Gryphon's Wings. This is at first, but after, at the Command of the Exorcist he putteth on Human Shape. His Office is to make Men wise, and to instruct them in divers things; also to Transmute all Metals into Gold; and to change Wine into Water, and Water into Wine. He governeth 33 Legions of Spirits, and his Seal is this, etc
49. Crocell-The Forty-ninth Spirit is Crocell, or Crokel. He appeareth in the Form of an Angel. He is a Duke Great and Strong, speaking something Mystically of Hidden Things. He teacheth the Art of Geometry and the Liberal Sciences. He, at the Command of the Exorcist, will produce Great Noises like the Rushings of many Waters, although there be none. He warmeth Waters, and discovereth Baths. He was of the Order of Potestates, or Powers, before his fall, as he declared unto the King Solomon. He governeth 48 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, the which wear thou as aforesaid
50. Furcas-The Fiftieth Spirit is Furcas. He is a Knight, and appeareth in the Form of a Cruel Old Man with a long Beard and a hoary Head, riding upon a pale-coloured Horse, with a Sharp Weapon in his hand. His Office is to teach the Arts of Philosophy, Astrology, Rhetoric, Logic, Cheiromancy, and Pyromancy, in all their parts, and perfectly. He hath under his Power 20 Legions of Spirits. His Seal, or Mark, is thus made, etc
51. Balam-The Fifty-first Spirit is Balam or Balaam. He is a Terrible, Great, and Powerful King. He appeareth with three Heads: the first is like that of a Bull; the second is like that of a Man; the third is like that of a Ram. He hath the Tail of a Serpent, and Flaming Eyes. He rideth upon a furious Bear, and carrieth a Boshawk upon his Fist. He speaketh with a hoarse Voice, giving True Answers of Things Past, Present, and to Come. He maketh men to go Invisible, and also to be Witty. He governeth 40 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, etc
52. Alloces-The Fifty-second Spirit is Alloces, or Alocas. He is a Duke, Great, Mighty, and Strong, appearing in the Form of a Soldier [Or Warrior] riding upon a Great Horse. His Face is like that of a Lion, very Red, and having Flaming Eyes. His Speech is hoarse and very big. [Thus expressed in the Codices] His Office is to teach the Art of Astronomy, and all the Liberal Sciences. He bringeth unto thee Good Familiars; also he ruleth over 36 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, which, etc
27.Ronove-The Twenty-seventh Spirit is Ronové. He appeareth in the Form of a Monster. He teacheth the Art of Rhetoric very well and giveth Good Servants, Knowledge of Tongues, and Favours with Friends or Foes. He is a Marquis and Great Earl; and there be under his command 19 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, etc
28. Berith-The Twenty-eighth Spirit in Order, as Solomon bound them, is named Berith. He is a Mighty, Great, and Terrible Duke. He hath two other Names given unto him by men of later times, viz.: BEALE, or BEAL, and BOFRY or BOLFRY. He appeareth in the Form of a Soldier with Red Clothing, riding upon a Red Horse, and having a Crown of Gold upon his head. He giveth true answers, Past, Present, and to Come. Thou must make use of a Ring in calling him forth, as is before spoken of regarding Beleth. [See ante, Spirit No. 13.] He can turn all metals into Gold. He can give Dignities, and can confirm them unto Man. He speaketh with a very clear and subtle Voice. He governeth 26 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, etc
29. Astaroth-The Twenty.-ninth Spirit is Astaroth. He is a Mighty, Strong Duke, and appeareth in the Form of an hurtful Angel riding on an Infernal Beast like a Dragon, and carrying in his right hand a Viper. Thou must in no wise let him approach too near unto thee, lest he do thee damage by his Noisome Breath. Wherefore the Magician must hold the Magical Ring near his face, and that will defend him. He giveth true answers of things Past, Present, and to Come, and can discover all Secrets. He will declare wittingly how the Spirits fell, if desired, and the reason of his own fall. He can make men wonderfully knowing in all Liberal Sciences. He ruleth 40 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, which wear thou as a Lamen before thee, or else he will not appear nor yet obey thee, etc
30. Forneus-The Thirtieth Spirit is Forneus. He is a Mighty and Great Marquis, and appeareth in the Form of a Great Sea-Monster. He teacheth, and maketh men wonderfully knowing in the Art of Rhetoric. He causeth men to have a Good Name, and to have the knowledge and understanding of Tongues. He maketh one to be beloved of his Foes as well as of his Friends. He governeth 29 Legions of Spirits, partly of the Order of Thrones, and partly of that of Angels. His Seal is this, which wear thou, etc
31. Foras-The Thirty-first Spirit is Foras. He is a Mighty President, and appeareth in the Form of a Strong Man in Human Shape. He can give the understanding to Men how they may know the Virtues of all Herbs and Precious Stones. He teacheth the Arts of Logic and Ethics in all their parts. If desired he maketh men invisible, [One or two Codices have "invincible," but "invisible" is given in the majority. Yet the form of appearance of Foras as a strong man might warrant the former, though from the nature of his offices the invincibility would probably be rather on the mental than on the physical plane] and to live long, and to be eloquent. He can discover Treasures and recover things Lost. He ruleth over 29 Legions of Spirits, and his Seal is this, which wear thou, etc
32. Asmoday-The Thirty-second Spirit is Asmoday, or Asmodai. He is a Great King, Strong, and Powerful. He appeareth with Three Heads, whereof the first is like a Bull, the second like a Man, and the third like a Ram; he bath also the tail of a Serpent, and from his mouth issue Flames of Fire. His Feet are webbed like those of a Goose. He sitteth upon an Infernal Dragon, and beareth in his hand a Lance with a Banner. He is first and choicest under the Power of Amaymon, he goeth before all other. When the Exorcist bath a mind to call him, let it be abroad, and let him stand on his feet all the time of action, with his Cap or Headdress off; for if it be on, Amaymon will deceive him and call all his actions to be bewrayed. But as soon as the Exorcist seeth Asmoday in the shape aforesaid, he shall call him by his Name, saying: "Art thou Asmoday?" and he will not deny it, and by-and-by he will bow down unto the ground. He giveth the Ring of Virtues; he teacheth the Arts of Arithmetic, Astronomy, Geometry, and all handicrafts absolutely. He giveth true and full answers unto thy demands. He maketh one Invincible. He showeth the place where Treasures lie, and guardeth it. He, amongst the Legions of AMAYMON governeth 72 Legions of Spirits Inferior. His Seal is this which thou must wear as a Lamen upon thy breast, etc
33. Gaap-The Thirty-third Spirit is Gaap. He is a Great President and a Mighty Prince. He appeareth when the Sun is in some of the Southern Signs, in a Human Shape, going before Four Great and Mighty Kings, as if he were a Guide to conduct them along on their way. His Office is to make men Insensible or Ignorant; as also in Philosophy to make them Knowing, and in all the Liberal Sciences. He can cause Love or Hatred, also he can teach thee to consecrate those things that belong to the Dominion of Amaymon his King. He can deliver Familiars out of the Custody of other Magicians, and answereth truly and perfectly of things Past, Present, and to Come. He can carry and re-carry men very speedily from one Kingdom to another, at the Will and Pleasure of the Exorcist. He ruleth over 66 Legions of Spirits, and he was of the Order of Potentates. His Seal is this to be made and to be worn as aforesaid, etc
34. Furfur-The Thirty-fourth Spirit is Furfur. He is a Great and Mighty Earl, appearing in the Form of an Hart with a Fiery Tail. He never speaketh truth unless he be compelled, or brought up within a triangle. Being therein, he will take upon himself the Form of an Angel. Being bidden, he speaketh with a hoarse voice. Also he will wittingly urge Love between Man and Woman. He can raise Lightnings and Thunders, Blasts, and Great Tempestuous Storms. And he giveth True Answers both of Things Secret and Divine, if commanded. He ruleth over 26 Legions of Spirits. And his Seal is this, etc
35. Marchosias-The Thirty-fifth Spirit is Marchosias. He is a Great and Mighty Marquis, appearing at first in the Form of a Wolf [On one Codex of the seventeenth century, very badly written, it might be read "Ox" instead of "Wolf."---TRANS. [For me he appeared always like an ox, and very dazed.--ED.] ] having Gryphon's Wings, and a Serpent's Tail, and Vomiting Fire out of his mouth. But after a time, at the command of the Exorcist he putteth on the Shape of a Man. And be is a strong fighter. He was of the Order of Dominations. He governeth 30 Legions of Spirits. He told his Chief, who was Solomon, that after 1,200 years he had hopes to return unto the Seventh Throne. And his Seal is this, to be made and worn as a Lamen, etc
36. Stolas, or stolos-The Thirty-sixth Spirit is Stolas, or Stolos. He is a Great and Powerful Prince, appearing in the Shape of a Mighty Raven at first before the Exorcist; but after he taketh the image of a Man. He teacheth the Art of Astronomy, and the Virtues of Herbs and Precious Stones. He governeth 26 Legions of Spirits; and his Seal is this, which is, etc
37. Phenex-The Thirty-Seventh Spirit is Phenex (or Pheynix). He is a great Marquis, and appeareth like the Bird Phoenix, having the Voice of a Child. He singeth many sweet notes before the Exorcist, which he must not regard, but by-and-by he must bid him put on Human Shape. Then he will speak marvellously of all wonderful Sciences if required. He is a Poet, good and excellent. And he will be willing to perform thy requests. He hath hopes also to return to the Seventh Throne after 1,200 years more, as he said unto Solomon. He governeth 20 Legions of Spirits. And his Seal is this, which wear thou, etc
38. Halphas, or Malthus-The Thirty-eighth Spirit is Halphas, or Malthous (or Malthas). He is a Great Earl, and appeareth in the Form of a Stock-Dove. He speaketh with a hoarse Voice. His Office is to build up Towers, and to furnish them with Ammunition and Weapons, and to send Men-of-War [Or Warriors, or Men-at-Arms.] to places appointed. He ruleth over 26 Legions of Spirits, and his Seal is this, etc
39. Malphas-The Thirty-ninth Spirit is Malphas. He appeareth at first like a Crow, but after he will put on Human Shape at the request of the Exorcist, and speak with a hoarse Voice. He is a Mighty President and Powerful. He can build Houses and High Towers, and can bring to thy Knowledge Enemies' Desires and Thoughts, and that which they have done. He giveth Good Familiars. If thou makest a Sacrifice unto him he will receive it kindly and willingly, but he will deceive him that doth it. He governeth 40 Legions of Spirits, and his Seal is this, etc