Demonlogy in the Picture of God's Will
The mission of the Church of Christ is to obey the will of God and do it on earth, to believe without doubting His eternal truth which determined His relationship with humans, to preach it and reconcile them to God in that eternal relationship.
Humans cannot possibly know God by themselves unless God helps them, they are God? enemies unless they understand correctly the Bible, and they cannot but live under the deception of the devil unless they know he is the enemy of God and their very eternal enemy. Moreover, humans cannot be with God and become His coworkers unless they understand the truth of His work accomplished on earth.
God decided to create the universe, the world and humankind in accordance to His eternal plan even before humans came into being, in order to be glorified by the Son He would appoint as heir of all things. Glory is to God His eternal business. God is the eternal god to whom glory is due.
But who knew God? No one could see Him, or catch Him, or follow Him, but thanks to Jesus Christ that He sent, one came to know the kingdom of God and understand His will through the same Jesus Christ who saw Him (John 1:18).
Humankind seeks happiness. First, it is personal happiness which values one? biological life more than anything else and starts with the foundation of a family. In other words, the enlargement of one? biological life is one? family and descendants. Love for one? offspring leads to the understanding of God? love for humankind, and this love expands to an universal relationship of love for one? neighbors.
And the problem that one faces upon its understanding is one of conflict, conflict with one? neighbors, with one? brothers, and furthermore, conflict with one? inner self which can lead to some eschatological feelings and result in suicide, murder or war. Humans are born and they die in this swirl of problems where they try desperately to conceive a world which is somewhat stronger than reality, but philosophically or religiously they cannot obtain a clear and definite answer so that their religious conflicts are to worsen and clash against culture and the material world.
Despite all human efforts to study and solve these conflicts through civilization the phenomenal result is total destruction and end. Hence, the occurrence of another conflict between those who seek the peace of humankind in materialism and those who seek the same thing in idealism, and their mutual distrust. To those who are aware of the whole situation the Bible is ready to provide with a solution and it is the ‘Picture of God? Will.’
God only is the First and the Last, and knows His plan. He calls to existence that which does not exist, He makes disappear that which already exists, He harvests the fruit of that which He sowed. He connects day to night and causes day to come after night. In Him there is no regrets. That is why, He is eternal. He has no conflict whatever with His son or the Holy Spirit that He sent (Romans 8:27, 28). He manifested Himself as one God in the Word, the blood and the Holy Spirit. He knows no problems. In contrast, humans continue to expect that future generations would provide them with the solution of their problems.
Then, from the standpoint of the Picture of God? Will, what is the greatest conflict or problem of humans? It is undeniably sin with its moral and ethic responsibility to be assumed. The Bible asserts simply that sin entered humankind to form ultimately the kingdom of death. It also tells clearly about the first sin which entered the world through one man, Adam (Romans 5:12).
From that moment on, human basic attitude of resistance became fear of death (Hebrews 2:15). Jesus Christ is the one who made the world known about it and gave the strength to overcome death. The Bible testifies to this assured and prepared will of God in 1 John 3:8 as follows: ‘The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil? work.’ The cause is brought to light and the method to neutralize it is the manifestation of the Son of God.
Before, when one was not related to God and did not know the Son, sin was considered as an act defined by human versatile moral and ethical criterion, which required some emotional and physical power restraint in accordance with the development of the culture involved. In the Bible, sin is regarded as an after-product of the surviving human after the transgression of the criteria that the One who is from the beginning determined in His unchangeable laws. Sin is also called corruption and self-indulgence. The Bible indicates clearly that though the first human sinned, the one who seduced and conducted him to sin was the devil.
If one goes to a human court and says that it was the devil who made him sin can he be taken seriously? Absolutely not. So a criminal may be convicted to death and die according to human laws, but when he accepts and believes in the Picture of God? Will he may find peace of soul, and overcome joyfully the world as a citizen of the kingdom of heaven who relies on the Lord of life (1 John 5:4). In other words, the unbelieving judge will hold the convict responsible for his crime, but nobody will take away the freedom in the mind of the latter who had been already delivered from the Law by the knowledge of the Picture of God? Will.
Medical researchers go through dynamic analysis in order to find out the cause of diseases because it is the shortcut, but as far as the task of examining all of them time and energy are more than insufficient. In contrast to this, the Picture of God? Will shown in the Bible provided already a definite conclusion. If anyone wants to transcend this truth and try to find a solution elsewhere he has chosen to enter a dark labyrinth.
The meaning of the Picture of God? Will is not only religious. It proves to be a truth that transcends and surpasses sciences, and it receives phenomenal testimonies. Needless to say, the one who sins belongs to the devil, this sin led humankind to deception, torments and curses. God warned that He would follow this cause till the end and make it sure that the sin of idolatry of those who think they are free to do what they please be paid to three or four generations. It is because sinning is of the devil that God wants to curse and destroy him forever.
The Son of God was manifested on this earth in order to reveal the will of God and He is the only one to know perfectly the reason that the devil? works are destroyed. Just as one strives to analyze medically the causes of diseases it is quite legitimate to disclose the identity of the devil and ascribe him all sorts of unhappiness. The Picture of God? Will consists in annihilating the devil by the power of Jesus Christ and destroy diseases and demons which are the fruits of sin. Only the Picture of God? Will can make one acknowledge the existence of the devil as a real being and actually destroy him (Acts 4:12).
Translated from Korean by
Christine R. E. Hong
The English Translation Institute for Dr. Ki Dong Kim’s Works