Demonlogy and Olkutisme Western World

The occultism in the western world or continental Europe and the United States to attract attention, both from pre-Christian era and even the flow of trust is the most penetrated their followers.
Science is Not About
Until the King of Youth Newbie
Figures demonologi largest in the script or the Occult in the western world is a big King confident that the three major religious groups: Christians, Muslims and Jews. Help the next he is one of the Great King David, so that person is or Solomon with the name of Arab Solomon. He is the son of so many of the wife of David (if indeed that time, polygamy, which is done by aristocrats are permitted). After David mangkat, the task is downed in Solomon. This young king has a big ambition, he built the temple to God with the size of a very large and spacious.
Pas project is completed, diadakanlah ceremonies large-scale, with a burnt sacrifice and the sacrifice along with him reach thousands of cows and goats, and the rajalah lead the ceremony. However, as terbius even dreamed he heard a voice from heaven that said: "You have fun my heart, any request will Kukabulkan," the voice that promise. Solomon is a self sufficiency not ask for anything, except the policy, and he was given the grace by the owner of Sound (Can seen in the Old Testament book of prophecy about the story of Solomon Solomon reconcile the two widows who fight 1 baby) but, had he been given more bonuses, he given the authority to govern the spirit of evil, speak with animals, and manage natural. Perhaps he even write about all the things 72 King of Satan, and now that the book was much okultis Europe. Name the book that Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis. The book became a role model of the West that contains witch how to call a variety of creatures is not kasat eyes. Even as he dijuluki witch largest throughout the period.
Unlike with Solomon, also with a different young man named Tobias. Story written in the Book of Tobias in this new agreement relate a good young man, diligent and devout pray named Tobias. However, he appeared to have a blind father and his mother did not know where there is, he never complained of this problem. As a youth, he eventually kasmaran widow with a daughter named Sarah from Raguel. Masalahya namely, Sarah has been married seven times and all her husband died suddenly when the first night! Tobias also was bergidik also ...
Then, the figure of youth as the messenger of God, he was named Raphael. It offers help on Tobias to break the curse of anti-husband owned, Sarah. He even showed kesaktiannya cure blindness with the father so that there is confidence in Tobias. Once everything is ready, they both want to go woo Sarah. Seemingly never far from obstruction, as they both said if an animal attacked by a giant fish! (It is not known whether the shark or the pope), however, Tobias and Raphael successful mengalahkannya suggest to take the spleen of the animals. Then Raphael said the actual incident, which is a ghost named Asmoday (in the book, but he said Solomon, a King of Hell) like Sarah, so he is not willing there are other people who marry that girl. He is a ringleader who curse it. Tobias, which have been bergidik Raphael to believe in God. Raphael also suggest that when the ceremony later, that the spleen was burned on charcoal.
Syukurlah plan running smoothly until the end, Sarah is married to Tobias, however, when First Night, the ghosts appeared to want to kill himself and Tobias. The sprightly take the censer with a week and knows why the ghosts cried in pain and he disappeared. Written in the book is also vague, if the ghost to the Egyptians, and quickly make up Raphael and punish creatures there. Youth Raphael identity dismantle it if he is an angel of God's messengers. We also recognize the name as a youth that with the Great Angel Gabriel and Michael.
From Religious Leaders To writer
There are familiar with Pope Honorius? Leaders of the Catholic living in the middle of this century have also had a deep spiritual experience, but unfortunately it is still kept confidential until now. However, a clear, spiritual experience that he write the name of Pope Honorius Grimoire, the content is not much different from hers Solomon, but accompanied by various rituals and how to pray through the intercession some angels.
For the field to carry, especially English literature certainly know the rhythm collection of books called the alias Paradise Lost Paradise Lost artworks from John Milton. Maybe rhymer this one impressed with the story from the Book of Revelation, which is complicated because the shape of the poem collection is not clear meaning. But it seems kejeniusan a poet can pour it in a poem that is not less beautiful, consisting of six small book, which recounts the story of the fall of the rebel angels to the story of creation.
He was able to describe how the vengeance of heaven to become a battlefield combat between Michael and Lucifer (which, if seen from the Book of Revelation appear violent and tense) changed into word games with the full value of fine literature. Even defeat with a description of Lucifer, he is very handsome. He describes the war is just war mentality, where Michael finally successful release of spirit and courage that he Lucifer field with chest and terusir budge from heaven. He also describes how megahnya heaven, and how successfully the Messiah (Christ) when repulse rebels, all of them are summarized in a poem!
Between Chistian promiscuity and Animism
They admitted that the flow of white (good) for example, use media such as the cure for the disease, neutralize poison, or invite the angels by using certain ceremonies reject the troops. While they follow the flow of black (evil) usually use the books written on the Prophet Solomon or books similar to enslave or even make a contract with Satan. For example is the famous Faust is, perhaps, he sells his soul to Satan who called Mephistopeles to get their knowledge.
Depending on the Individual Personal
Do not know whether this occultism demonologi become one of the compulsory course in theology science, but science is obliged to learn if the study theology in the countries that have advanced education levels, types Vatican, the UK, and others. News or things about something that is not kasat eye for some people, is very interesting attention. There is a proverb that says that a mystery that we do not really know enough to be interesting and learned.