How to Become Summoner: Controlling Angel or Devil

Who know how to call the spirit here is only the families of their nearest relative family, and continue to be concealed by them because this is a strength that can provide success. What do you worship? The Gods you worship Vishnu is what you worship, he had met directly? However, if there are people who worship him can meet directly with him? Of course there is how the leaders trust it. Then this is your worship? What could have met directly with you worship? DIVERSE - Talk with face-to-face? If not, why you do it? Why believe? Of course, you believe as notified by the people who you respect their parents, the leader of the trust.
First the first time the person who first tells you also may never have to see or meet. However yan told they would have let through a miracle or unite with the Gods. The person who can call and discuss - Talk will be able to control even has a miracle depends on the skill with the spirit. The amount is determined from the nation they can control this spirit.
The more confused? I am also confused jelasinnya. And how this can be uncovered secret? Rather than just inherit the hereditary. In ancient times there called King Solomon, or Solomon, or Solomon. The name is different penyebutannya. In the Jewish teachings in a Solomon, the Islamic Solomon, the Christian Solomon. You can read the story in the holy book of you if you include the teachings of the third. If not I will tell little.
Solomon king of the very powerful, wise, have thousands of women, and has the power to control the gods - gods, according to Jewish, Islamic, according to Jin, and there is a call angels, god, or Satan. Essentially control study. Spirit is to use him and he made the very wise, to build Palace, communication with animals, like in many women, etc..
How can he control it spiritually and get strength from? Solomon get from Isri - his wife. With so he can control the enthusiasm of many in this nation, and he do except to hide his family. More than gilanya the way he collected and he satukan him in the temple known temple of Solomon, or call the temple gods. So how secret is uncovered? In the end Solomon's death a secret and it took terkubur there, but there are not accidentally find time to do digging in there you can look at how the Internet can be found I will discuss further the next.
In fact, there are 72 main routes spirit Solomon, and he was controlling with a ring of the star-shaped Ilyas or Israel. And it has also cicin seal or cover 72 key study it. People who learn science in a summoner. How do I summon the spirit.
I. Controlling Your Spirit
Human consists of body, soul, and spirit. To meet the spirit of the spirit, not the soul or body. You may have heard someone berilmu stories high, which is able to visit only with familinya concentrate. Or, you may never watch a movie about a pendekar towards a put-off from the distance with "soul" with his pendekar that their. This is the kind of a characteristic that can control its spirit, which can be used to plaster its spirit with limited space and time.
There are also many people mengiistilahkanya as Astral Projection, I Sukma, Pangaracutan, Mental Projection, Out of Body Experience, even Astral Projection, is a process of disengagement from the body to the spirit of travel that is not limited by space and time. This process is perfect when you think of all the senses perpetrators are brought out, so that its spirit is able to hear, taste, see and feel the surrounding environment with the spirit itself significantly.
Energy mind or spirit this will automatically return to the sport in certain conditions, for example, only because the surprise, suppressed energy, and so forth. One of the sub-sub is the ability Bottom Conscious or people who call the ESP (Extra Sensory Perception), or also called Sixth Sense. Bottom ability Conscious starters was also complex. Characteristic of the ability of the Sixth Sense is the ability sensoriknya that is not limited by space and time. With the unique nature of this Sixth Sense is able to perform activities of "inter-dimensional" or Transdimensi.
The process of removing only the spirit kemanpuan brain is complex. Not like the people who estimated that removing the soul is a ray of four brothers and five senses. This is far from the reality. Human brain is an organ of the body is very extraordinary and very complex. As we know the human brain-divided into lots for part of each set of a system of the human body functions, such as a special set-sensory nervous, and there is a special set for the motor nervous, and others. And one of the important functions in the brain, there is a part of the brain that have the task as "supervisors", which is overseeing the entire body of work, so we run the operation. Now, the brain is continuously working even though we fall asleep asleep. Even though the evidence is asleep once we sleep, the body such as the heart continues to pump blood to and from the entire body, or lungs, which continues to need the oxygen and release CO2, and others. Without the brain of this body we will not be able to function when we sleep, so consequently we can die, because of the failure of the body.
One of the brain that is an important part of the brain responsible for analyzing sensory every message received by the body and sent in the form of a neurotransmitter to the brain, such as from the eyes, so that we can see, from the skin so that we can experience pain when we thorn prick, from the ear so we can hear, and others. The brain is important for humans because if the brain is not functioning well, we will not see, hear, taste, smell out, and others. Although the eye, ear, skin, nose, and we are not normally damaged at all, but if the brain was damaged then there will be no meaning at all.
If we can enable the two parts of the brain at the maximum, then we will be able to control the spirit. Is how we should be able to create awareness of our brain remains intact, albeit body fall asleep crush us all. By maintaining a full awareness of the brain when we sleep, then when we no longer feel the body (can not coerce / body we feel the same once, but we are still fully conscious), so we thought this can "hover" to go everywhere, go to anywhere that we want to be free as we have built.
People who want to control the spirits must have the energy body that is large enough to be able to throw outside the spirit of sport, and the process used to travel outside the body. People should know the techniques to control the spirit trained with disilpin and continuous. Next steps - steps:
1. You lie on the floor with comfortable. Hands are placed next to the body with the thumb and index finger touch each other. Pejamkan eyes and put tongue in the ceiling.
2. You do inhale from removing from the nose and mouth with the rules of breath:
- Take a breath and remove 50% of breath and then take the breath from the point and remove it all.
- Ambil nafas dan keluarkan nafas 90% lalu ambil nafas dari titik itu dan keluarkan nafas semua.
- Take a breath and remove the breath of 1% and then take the breath from that point and remove all of breath.
- Take a breath and remove 100% and then take the breath from that point and remove semuannya.
- Take a breath and remove 30% and then take the breath from the point and remove it all.
- Take a breath and remove 20% and then take the breath from that point and remove all of breath.
3. You bernafaslah natural for 5 minutes and end with meditation.
4. Open your eyes and niatkan for the spirit. Then leave your body still lie rilaks and while sleeping-back until you enter the conditions very relaks or half asleep. For the moment you experience the sensation of movement such as rotating or energy from the body that you want to exit. When your body into two, then you live control "soul" alias spirit to walk.
If you want to restore the "subtle body" alias spirit only meniatkan interesting spirit enter the body and open your eyes. Terefektik and safest method is to memanfaat pontesi the human body itself, that is, only by increasing the energy capacity of the body in order to exit the body menlontarkan spirit, and make a trip outside the body. Of course, that requires intensive training with a period of time.
II. Use seal and learn about the spirit is 72.
You can make the seal and learn how to call 72 to study it, so you will know the nature, skil, customs, and going. I will be working on a future.